Learn about the latest enhancements in Sage 100 Payroll.

What's New in Sage 100 Payroll

This page describes the changes that were made in version 2.22 and subsequent updates of Sage 100 Payroll.

Sage 100 Payroll 2.22.3

The following changes were made in version 2.22.3

Calculate Deductions Using Percentage of Disposable Wages

A new calculation method has been added in Deduction Code Maintenance. You can calculate deductions using a percentage of disposable wages, and you can specify a maximum income multiplier. A Deductions button appears on the screen for you to select which non-employer contribution deductions to include in the calculation of disposable wages.

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Option to Reset Deduction Balance at Year End Available for All Deduction Types

The ability to reset deduction balance at year end for all deduction types has been added in Deduction Code Maintenance.

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YTD Earnings Hours Added to Payroll Check Printing

The year-to-date earnings hours have been added to the Payroll Check Printing work table.

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Changes for Reporting of SOC Codes in Federal and State Tax Reporting

Changes were made to how Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes are passed to Aatrix. Most recently, SOC codes will be required on the Washington state quarterly tax form, starting with the fourth quarter of 2022. To print this tax form, you must have Sage 100 Payroll 2.22.3 installed. SOC Codes are entered on the Taxes tab in Employee Maintenance. In the future if SOC codes are required to be reported for any other state, no additional program changes should need to be made in Sage 100 Payroll.

Sage 100 Payroll 2.22.2

The following changes were made in version 2.22.2.

Create A/P Invoices for Payroll Taxes and Deductions

In Payroll Option you can integrate the Payroll module with Accounts Payable. When the modules are integrated, you can set up deductions and payroll taxes so that Accounts Payable invoices are created for them when you update the Payroll Check Register. This makes it easy to create checks to pay the deductions and taxes.

Deduction Code Maintenance

When the (Integrate with) Accounts Payable check box is selected in Payroll Options, an A/P Invoice button appears on the screen. To create Accounts Payable invoices for the deduction, click this button and enter a vendor number. Options for grouping deductions and separate invoice lines for each employee are also available. For more information, see Set Up Deductions to Create A/P Invoices in the help.

Company Tax Group Setup

When the (Integrate with) Accounts Payable check box is selected in Payroll Options, the following fields appear on both the Main and Additional tabs in Company Tax Group Setup: 

  • Vendor No.
  • Vendor Name
  • Invoice Prefix

To create Accounts Payable invoices for the tax, enter a vendor number. Use the Invoice Prefix field to group taxes onto one invoice. Fore more information, see Set Up Taxes to Create A/P Invoices in the help.

lightbulb iconWe’re listening! This idea was a suggestion on the Sage 100 ideas site. Visit the ideas site to share your ideas and vote for your favorites.

Sage 100 Payroll 2.22.1

The following changes were made in version 2.22.1.

Link to Tax Update Guide Added to Report

A link to the Payroll Tax Update Guide has been added to the Payroll Tax Update Report located on the Utilities menu, and it's also part of the message that appears after you run the Payroll Tax Update Utility.

The guide is a supplement to the Payroll Tax Update Report. Review the guide after installing payroll tax updates for information about the latest changes.

Federal Unemployment Tax Broken Out on Tax Liability Report

Federal unemployment tax is now broken out into its own section on the Payroll Tax Liability Report.

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Sage 100 Payroll 2.22

The following changes were made in version 2.22.

Pay Cycle Option

A new check box, Allow employees with other pay cycles for bonus and commissions, has been added to the Pay Cycle window.

Select this check box when you're processing a pay run that falls outside of employees' regular pay cycle assigned in Employee Maintenance. For example, select the check box if employees are typically paid weekly, but you're paying out a monthly bonus.

Additional Tax Amount Fields

Three fields on the Employee Maintenance Taxes tab have been renamed:

  • The Tax Calc Override field has been renamed Additional Tax.
  • The Override Amt field has been renamed Additional Amt.
  • The Override % field has been renamed Additional %.

The fields have also been renamed in the Employee Tax Info window accessed through Payroll Data Entry.

No changes are required if you are using these fields.

Field for Annual Withholding Allowance

In Employee Maintenance, an Annual WH Allowance field has been added to the Taxes tab for use with the new 2022 Colorado Employee Withholding Certificate (DR 0004). The field is available only for the Colorado tax group. It has also been added to the Employee Tax Info window accessed through Payroll Data Entry.