What's New
To learn about the latest enhancements in the Payroll module, see What's New in Sage 100 Payroll.
What's New in Version 2022.5
The following enhancement was added in update 5 for Sage 100 2022.
Production Management
The following change was made in the Production Management module.
Option to Summarize Material Lines in Work Ticket Entry
The Summarize Material Lines by Step and Item check box has been added in Production Management Options, allowing you to summarize material lines with the same item number, step number, and scrap percentage on one line in Work Ticket Entry.
Also, the Combine Material Line Item Comments check box has been added. You can select this check box to combine all unique comments from summarized material lines at the Comment field on the Work Ticket Entry Materials tab.
What's New in Version 2022.4
The following enhancements were added in update 4 for Sage 100 2022.
Global Changes
The following enhancements were added throughout multiple modules.
Next Lot Number button
The Next Lot Number button has been added in Lot/Serial Number Distribution. Click the Next Lot Number button to use the next automatically incremented lot number entered at the Next Lot/Serial Number field in Item Maintenance. This enhancement is carried throughout the following modules:
- Bill of Materials
- Inventory Management
- Purchase Order
- Production Management
- Return Merchandise Authorization
- Sales Order
Work Ticket to Purchase Order Post-Conversion Link Utility
The Work Ticket to Purchase Order Post-Conversion Link Utility has been added to the Sage 100 Utilities menu available from the Run Program window. Use this utility to update existing work order links on open purchase order detail lines and match the links to their corresponding open work tickets.
The utility analyzes work order data and provides recommended actions. After running the utility, results are recorded in the System Activity Log.
What's New in Version 2022.3
The following enhancements were added in update 3 for Sage 100 2022.
Accounts Payable
The following changes were made in the Accounts Payable module.
Form 1099 Tax Reporting Version
Form 1099 Tax Reporting has been updated to version 2.98.
DBA Name for 1099 Forms
There has been a functionality change of where the 1099 DBA Name field prints on the 1099 Form.
If there is a name entered in the DBA Name field on the Additional tab in Vendor Maintenance, it will now print on Line 1 of the Recipient Name box of the 1099 Form and the Vendor Name will print on Line 2 of the Recipient Name box of the 1099 Form.
Updates for 1099 Form Tax Reporting
The following options have been added to support Form 1099 printing for tax year 2022:
- For the 1099-DIV form:
- Box 11 is now FATCA filing requirement check box.
- Subsequently, old box numbers 11 through 15 have been renumbered to new box numbers 12 through 16, respectively. The new boxes are as follows:
- Box 12 - Exempt-interest dividends
- Box 13 - Specified private activity bond interest dividends
- Box 14 - State
- Box 15 - State Identification No.
- Box 16 - State Tax Withheld
- For the 1099-MISC Form:
- Box 13 is now FATCA filing requirement check box
- Subsequently, old box numbers 13 through 17 have been renumbered to new box numbers 14 through 18, respectively. The new boxes are as follows:
- Box 14 - Excess golden parachute payments
- Box 15 - Nonqualified deferred compensation
- Box 16 - State tax withheld
- Box 17 - State/Payer's state no.
- Box 18 - State Income
Production Management
The following change was made in the Production Management module.
Work Ticket Entry Copy From
In the Work Ticket Entry Copy From window, the Production Start Date field has been added to simplify the process of copying a work ticket.
During the copy process, the system will calculate the number of days between the start date entered here and the source work ticket start date. The difference between the dates will be used to automatically adjust all of the scheduling dates in the source work ticket steps as they are copied.
What's New in Version 2022.2
The following enhancement was added in update 2 for Sage 100 2022.
Accounts Receivable
The following enhancement was made in the Accounts Receivable module.
Option to Print Zero Balance Customers with No Invoices
The Customers with No Invoices check box has been added to Statement Printing. You can select this check box to print statements for zero balance customers that do not have any invoice detail printing on the statement.
What's New in Version 2022.1
The following enhancements were added in update 1 for Sage 100 2022.
Inventory Requirements Planning
The Inventory Requirements Planning (IRP) module is now compatible with the version of Production Management that was released in Sage 100 2022. The updated version of Inventory Requirements Planning is automatically installed with update 1 if you have the Production Management module installed. Inventory Requirements Planning is automatically registered if Production Management is registered, so you do not need a new license key.
Data Conversion and Material Requirements Planning
If you already have the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) module installed, Inventory Requirements Planning is still installed, but you cannot have both modules activated for the same company at the same time. Activating IRP for a company deactivates MRP for that company.
When you open Inventory Requirements Planning Options, you will be asked if you want to convert your MRP data to IRP data. If you convert your MRP data, your MRP data files are deleted after the conversion process is compete. You can choose not to convert your MRP data and proceed with the IRP setup, and this will remove your MRP data.
Maintain Projected Demands
Maintain Projected Demands has been added to the Main menu. You can use Maintain Projected Demands to manually enter demand information before generating the IRP data file that's used to show demand and create work tickets and purchase orders.
Library Master
The following enhancements were added in the Library Master module.
Data File Display and Maintenance Updates
The following changes have been made in Data File Display and Maintenance:
- Two new options have been added to the Operator list in the Filter window:
- Contains CRLF: Use this operator to find records that contain carriage return/line feed characters.
- Non Printable: Use this operator to find records that contain non-printable characters.
- In the Select Fields window, you can select up to 25 fields to display in columns in the Key Scan window.
What's New in Version 2022
The following enhancements were added in Sage 100 2022. Changed to the Sage 100 Desktop are listed first, followed by module-specific changes, changes for Microsoft 365, and a list of features that are no longer subscription only.
Sage 100 Desktop Changes
The following changes were made to the Sage 100 Desktop.
Add Public Favorites
You can add tasks and other items to the new Public Favorites group. These items are listed on the Favorites panel when you click Public Favorites, and they are available to all Sage 100 users. For Sage 100 tasks, access is based on the users' security setup. For instructions, see Add Items to the Favorites Content Group in the Sage 100 help.
Global Changes
The following changes are carried throughout multiple modules.
Exclude Inactive Items From Lookups
A Display Inactive Items check box has been added to the ALE Lookups section on the Preferences tab in Company Maintenance. Clear this check box to exclude items from Lookups if the Inactive check box in Item Maintenance is selected for the item.
For more information, see the field help for the Display Inactive Items check box.
We're listening! This idea was a suggestion from 90 Minds, Inc., and it received multiple votes on the Sage 100 ideas site.
Option to Save Date Selections for Reports
When creating or modifying a report setting, you can specify whether you want to save the dates entered in the Selections grid. To save the dates, select the Save Date Selections check box that has been added to the Save As Report Setting window. Clear the check box to omit the dates from the report setting. The check box is selected by default.
We're listening! This idea was a suggestion from 90 Minds, Inc., and it received multiple votes on the Sage 100 ideas site.
Default Years to Retain History
In module options tasks in which you can specify how many years to save history, the default setting is now five years. The minimum required number of years to retain history has not changed, and this update will not affect your existing settings.
Accounts Receivable
The following changes were made in the Accounts Receivable module.
Pay Cycle Option
A new check box, Allow employees with other pay cycles for bonus and commissions, has been added to the Pay Cycle window that opens when you're updating the Commission Edit Register.
Select this check box when you're processing a pay run that falls outside of employees' regular pay cycle assigned in Employee Maintenance. For example, select the check box if employees are typically paid weekly, but you're paying a monthly bonus.
Note: This check box is available only if you're using Sage 100 Payroll version 2.22 or later.
Search for Quotes
A Quotes check box has been added to the Search for Open Orders window accessed from the S/Os tab in Customer Maintenance. Select this check box to find quotes for the current customer.
Your Sage 100 business partners at work! This idea was a suggestion from 90 Minds, Inc. where “More Minds Are Better Than One.”
Business Insights
The following views have been added to the Business Insights Explorer menu and the Production Management Explore menu. The views that are indented underneath each primary view are the secondary views available in the Explore navigation pane when you access the primary view.
- History Work Tickets View
- History Work Ticket Steps
- Work Ticket Line Items
- Purchase Order Line Items PM
- Open Work Tickets View
- Open Work Ticket Steps
- Work Ticket Line Items
- Purchase Order Line Items PM
- Work Ticket Labor View
- Open Work Tickets
- Open Work Ticket Steps
Inventory Management
The following changes were made in the Inventory Management module.
More Options When Uploading Images
When you're uploading images in Item Maintenance, you can now use the following image types:
You can still use the types that were previously available as well (JPG, GIF, and BMP).
We’re listening! This idea was a suggestion on the Sage 100 ideas site. Visit the ideas site to share your ideas and vote for your favorites.
Order Type Options on Search for Sales Orders Window
When searching for orders using the Search for Sales Orders window, you can select check boxes corresponding to the order types to include in your search results. All sales order types are now available, including quotes, master orders, and repeating orders.
Also a Quoted field has been added to the bottom of the tab. The field displays the item's quantity used in Sales Order quotes.
The Search for Sales Orders Window can be accessed from Item Maintenance and Item Inquiry.
We're listening! This idea was a suggestion from 90 Minds, Inc., and it received multiple votes on the Sage 100 ideas site.
Changes Related to Production Management
The following changes, which are related to the Production Management module, were made in Inventory Management.
Note: If custom labels have been entered in the Terminology fields in Production Management Options, the custom text appears in place of the default terminology.
Changes in Item Maintenance
The following changes are applicable if the Production Management module is activated.
- The options in the Procurement field on the Main tab are Make to Stock, Buy to Stock, Buy to Order, and Subcontract.
- An On WT column is included in the Quantities box on the Main tab and on the Quantity tab. The column shows the total quantity being produced for the parent item on work tickets with a status of Released.
A Req for WT column is included in the Quantities box on the Main tab and on the Quantity tab. The column shows the total quantity being consumed for the raw material on work tickets that have a Released status.
If the Include Open Work Ticket Materials as Inventory Demand check box in Production Management Options is selected, then open work tickets are also reflected in this column.
- On the Additional tab, the Template No. field appears instead of the Routing No. field.
- On the Quantity tab, the following columns have been added:
- On WT
- Req for WT
- On the Transactions tab, the following columns have been added:
- Work Ticket No.
- Step No.
- Work Ticket Description
- On the Orders tab, the following have been added:
- Work Ticket display option
- Work Ticket No. column
- Work Ticket Description column
- Step No. column
Other Changes
The text on the Configure Quantity Available Calculation window and the summary window references work tickets instead of work orders if the Production Management module is installed.
- You can choose whether to include work ticket quantities in the quantity available calculation when you're running the Inventory Management Setup Wizard if the Production Management module is installed.
- The text on the Item Status window references work tickets instead of work orders if the Production Management module is installed.
In Product Line Maintenance, if the Production Management module is activated, the options in the Procurement field are Make to Stock, Buy to Stock, Buy to Order, Subcontract.
Production Management
The following changes were made in the Production Management module.
Installing Production Management
The Production Management module is now part of the Sage 100 installation program. The module is no longer available as a separate installation.
Setup Wizard
A new setup wizard has been added to guide you through setting up the module.
Production Management Options
The following changes were made in Production Management Options.
- A Years to Retain Work Ticket History field has been added to the Main tab.
- A General Ledger check box has been added to the Integrate with section on the Main tab.
- A record is written to the Activity Log after Payroll data is synchronized with Production Management.
- The Dynamic Materials check box, which enables the feature, is now on the Entry tab.
- A User Defined tab has been added. This tab replaces the Miscellaneous Codes Maintenance task, which is no longer available. Use this tab to create generic code classes that are used to categorize the codes created in User Defined Info Codes Maintenance.
Work Ticket Template Maintenance
The following changes were made in Work Ticket Template Maintenance.
- When using the Copy From feature, you have the option to copy memos.
- On the Materials tab, the following buttons have been added: and
- An Attachments tab. button has been added to the
Employee Maintenance
The following fields were added to the Employee Maintenance window:
- Telephone Ext
- Telephone Type
- E-mail Address
- Pay Method
- Autopay Hours
User Defined Info Codes Maintenance
User Defined Info Codes Maintenance has replaced Miscellaneous Codes Maintenance. Use this task to create codes that can then be applied to work ticket templates. You must first create code classes on the User Defined tab in Production Management Options.
Attachment Category Maintenance
Attachment Category Maintenance has been added to the Setup menu. Use this task to maintain attachment category codes and descriptions.
Work Ticket Entry
The following changes were made in Work Ticket Entry.
- You can now create and maintain memos for work tickets and steps.
- The button has been removed and an button has been added.
- A Labor Issue Method field with a drop-down list has been added.
- A Materials Issue Method field with a drop-down list has been added.
- When creating a work ticket, bill numbers and template numbers are now entered on the Header tab. The option to copy from bills and templates has been removed from the Copy From window.
- When using the Copy From window, you now choose to copy from either an open work ticket or work ticket history.
Labor Entry
Labor entries are now entered in a primary and secondary grid in which multiple records for the same day can be viewed and modified.
Labor entries are no longer updated to the Payroll module by updating the Periodic Labor Register. Instead, you now import labor entries into Payroll using the Pay Cycle window. For more information, see Payroll Integration Changes.
button on theMaterials Where-Used Inquiry
In Materials Where-Used Inquiry, you have the option to view material usage in either work tickets or templates. Also you can sort by multiple columns.
Payroll Integration Changes
The following changes related to integration with the Payroll module have been made in Production Management.
The Periodic Labor Register has been renamed Periodic Labor Report. This report is no longer used to push labor entries to the Payroll module for use in Payroll Data Entry.
- Labor entries are now imported into Payroll by clicking the Pay Cycle window. Labor Entry records can be imported into Payroll only if Yes is selected in the (Integrate with) Payroll field in Production Management Options. button on the
Data Conversion for Work Order
If you're upgrading from an earlier version of Sage 100, Work Order data is included in your source company, and the Production Management module is installed in your target company, your Work Order data is converted to Production Management data.
Note: If you had purchase orders linked to work orders in your source data, the purchase orders will not be linked to the converted work tickets after you run conversion. You must manually relink the purchase orders.
Data Conversion for Earlier Version of Production Management
The Production Management module code has changed from JT to PM. When you convert Production Management data from an earlier version of Sage 100, the converted company data files are changed to use the PM prefix.
Important! If you're upgrading from the standalone version of Production Management that was previously available, you must be on version 2021.x of the standalone version before upgrading to the Production Management module that is part of Sage 100 2022.
Sage Intelligence Reporting
Sage Intelligence Reporting now works with the 64-bit version of Sage 100 and Windows.
Sales Order
The following changes were made in the Sales Order module.
View Order Type, Ship Date, and Expire Date in History
The following fields have been added to the Sales Order and Quote History Inquiry window:
Order Type
Ship Date (for standard orders and back orders)
Expire Date (for quotes)
These fields have also been added to the SO_SalesOrderQuoteHistoryWrk table, so they can be added to forms.
We're listening! This idea was a suggestion from 90 Minds, Inc., and it received multiple votes on the Sage 100 ideas site.
Visual Process Flows
The following changes were made to the Visual Process Flows Designer.
- You can select multiple elements at the same time by pressing the Shift key while selecting them with your mouse. You can move and resize the elements together and create permanent groups. For more information, see Visual Process Flow Designer in the Sage 100 help.
- Buttons with up/down and left/right arrows have been added to the Actions window. Use the buttons to move the Actions window to another area of the Designer window.
- Guidelines now appear when you start to move an element to help you align it with other elements in the Designer window.
- An button has been added to the text formatting toolbar.
- You no longer have to press the Enter key to add text to an element.
Work Order
The Production Management module has replaced Work Order. The Work Order module is no longer part of the Sage 100 installation program.
When running conversion, if your source company has Work Order data and the Production Management module is installed for version 2022, the Work Order data is converted to Production Management data.
Note: If your data includes work orders that are linked to purchase orders, you will have to manually relink the purchase orders to work tickets after you convert the data.
Microsoft 365
References to Office 365, including task names, have been changed to Microsoft 365.
Features No Longer Subscription Only
The following features were initially available only if you purchased Sage 100 through a subscription plan. They are now available to all users, regardless of whether Sage 100 was purchased as a subscription or perpetual license.
- Spell Check: A red line appears underneath misspelled words. You can right-click the word to view a list of suggestions, ignore the misspelling, or add it to your custom dictionary.
- Full Text Search in Lookups: In Lookup views, in the Search list, you can select Full Text. Your search criteria is then matched against all text in the records instead of a single field.
- Theme Maintenance: This task, located on the Library Master Main menu, allows you to customize the appearance of Sage 100 windows.
- Document Date Warnings: This feature allows you to display a warning message when a user enters a date that is outside of settings defined in Company Maintenance.