Select a version to see the enhancements that were introduced.
The following changes were made in version 2.19.4.
An Alternate Wage Cap check box has been added to the Tax Rate tab in Company Tax Group Setup. The check box is available for taxes with alternate wages caps that apply only to some businesses. When you select the check box, the correct wage cap is automatically used when payroll taxes are calculated.
The changes described below were made to work with the EEO-1 form available in Federal and State Tax Reporting.
Before submitting this form, review your employee records to ensure that the correct information is entered.
An EEO Job Category field has been added to the Additional tab in Employee Maintenance. You can select from a list of 10 job categories in addition to "Not Applicable" and "Not Reported" options.
The Payroll Data Entry Batch window now shows the task for which you’re selecting a batch. For example, when you print the Employer’s Expense Summary, the title bar in the window used to select a displays has the following title: Print P/R Payroll Data Entry Batch for Employer’s Expense Summary.
The tax rate for the employee portion of the Washington state Paid Family and Medical Leave tax must be entered in Company Tax Group Setup. If no rate is entered, the employee tax will not be calculated during payroll processing. No change is required for the employer portion of the tax.
The following changes have been made to the Employer’s Expense Summary report:
A Day of Week field has been added to the secondary grid in Time Track Entry. This field displays the day of the week based on the date worked and can only be viewed.
You can use Payroll Status Check, located on the Payroll Utilities menu, to identify and create employees’ missing tax records based on their assigned tax profiles. The Test field in Payroll Status Check now has a drop-down list with the original Status option and the new Missing Other/Local Tax Records Utility.
This utility detects employee local and "other" tax records that are missing after converting data from an earlier version of the Payroll module. These taxes are now maintained in a separate tax group, but were combined with another tax in earlier versions of Payroll.
You can view a list of missing records and choose which to create so that you can then manually adjust them through the Employee Tax Summary window. For more information, see Correct Missing Local and Other Taxes in the help.
The following tables have been added to store historical data included in the Employer’s Expense Summary:
Note that Workers Compensation data is not stored in these tables. It is stored in PR_PayrollHistoryWorkersComp and PR_PayrollHistoryWorkersCompDt.
The following changes were made in version 2.19.3.
A Print Employer Contributions check box has been added to the Payroll Check Printing window and the Direct Deposit Stub Printing window. Select the check box to print any employer contributions on check and direct deposit stubs.
In Payroll Data Entry, if you have the appropriate security setup, you can use the Reverse Check button to reverse a check or direct deposit dated outside of the current quarter. When you click the Lookup button in the Reverse Check window, all checks and direct deposits on file for the selected employee are listed.
A Contribution Expense Account field has been added to the Deductions tab in Department Maintenance. The field is available for deductions with Employer Contribution selected as the type. A Contribution Expense Account Description field has also been added, and the existing Account Description field has been renamed Accrual Account Description.
An SOC column for entering the standard occupational classification code has been added to the Taxes tab in Employee Maintenance. This column replaces the LA SOC column, and it’s available for all state tax groups. However, the field is currently mapped to Federal and State Tax Reporting forms for Alaska, Indiana, and Louisiana only.
A Pension Plan Audit Report has been added to the Reports menu. You can enter up to eight deduction codes, and the report will include one column for each deduction. If you have fewer than nine deduction codes with Pension Plan as the type, these deduction codes will appear in the printing task as the default options, but you can change them.
An Additional tab has been added in Company Tax Group Setup. The taxes that were previously consolidated in the Employee Other and Employer Other categories on the Main tab are now listed separately on the Additional tab, so you can enter different general ledger accounts for each tax.
The Employee Other and Employer Other fields have been removed from the Main tab. Any general ledger account numbers that were entered for these fields will be carried over to the Additional tab when you convert your payroll data, but you should verify that the correct account numbers are entered after you run conversion.
A No Wage Cap check box has been added to the Tax Rates tab in Company Tax Group Setup. This check box is available for taxes with a wage cap that is not applicable to certain types of businesses.
The following changes were made in version 2.19.2.
The auto-complete feature has been added for employee fields. You can now search for an employee record by entering any of the following in the employee number field:
As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears, and you can select a record from the list.
This feature is automatically enabled for all users. You can disable the feature for individual users in Library Master > User Maintenance.
Note: This feature is available only for Sage 100 2019.
To enable this feature, run the Build Search Index utility on the Library Master Utilities menu to index. As you add new employee records, you’ll need to run the utility again to index the new records.
Local withholding taxes are now included in the Other Taxes column on the Pre-Check Register and Check Register.
A Total Hours column has been added to the Check History Report; it replaced the Overtime Hours column. The column reflects all earnings types accumulated on an hourly basis, such as time off.
A Print Condensed check box has been added to the task windows for the following registers and reports. When you select the check box, the documents are optimized for printing using portrait orientation.
Employee direct deposit statements and check stubs now show the year-to-date deposit amount for the employee’s direct deposit bank account, even if there is no deposit into that account for the current check.
For example, if an employee changes her direct deposit bank account from Security Pacific to Security Atlantic in the middle of the year, the Security Pacific year-to-date deposit total still appears on the direct deposit statement or check stub after the change.
In the Employee Direct Deposit window, you can no longer delete a bank account if the Deposited YTD amount is greater than zero.
The Pension/Profit Sharing check box label on the Benefits tab in Employee Maintenance and on the Benefits window has been renamed Retirement Plan.
You can now select or clear the Retirement Plan check box in Employee Maintenance, and the employee’s history for the current year is updated.
To update history for a prior year, use the Benefits window. Select the year in the Employee Tax Summary window, accessed through Employee Maintenance, then click the More button and select Benefits to open the Benefits window.
In the Employee Tax Summary window on the State and Local tabs, the word Multi may appear in the in the Employee Other or Employer Other field in the Wages section. This occurs if employees have earned wages that are subject to more than one tax that falls into the Other category. To view a breakdown of the amount:
After converting your Payroll data, the federal unemployment tax rate that was entered in your prior version of Sage 100 is now the default unemployment tax rate for the Federal tax group in Company Tax Group Setup.
A Sage University button (with a graduation cap icon) has been added to additional task windows.
You can click the button to view a list of training videos related to the task. Depending on your Business Care plan, there may be no charge to watch the videos.
The Sage University button has been added to the task windows listed below.
Note: The Sage University buttons are available only if you’re using Payroll with Sage 100 2019.
Sage 100 Payroll 2.19.1 contains program fixes for the Payroll module. For more information, please see the release notes.
The following changes were made in version 2.19.
The Tax Rule Inquiry utility has been added so that you can see which earnings tax rules are subject to a given tax, and which deduction tax rules reduce the taxable wages for a given tax.
You can access Tax Rule Inquiry from the following locations:
The Capped Wages window displays a summary of wages earned up to the tax limits for the selected tax group, including a quarterly breakdown and YTD total.
To access this window, select Payroll > Main > Employee Maintenance. Click the arrow in the top-right corner of the screen and select Tax Summary. In the Employee Tax Summary window, click the arrow in the top-right corner of the screen and select Capped Wages.
A Tax Info button has been added to the Payroll Data Entry window. Click this button to open the Employee Tax Info window, which shows a read-only view of how the employee’s taxes are set up in Employee Maintenance.
If you have Sage HRMS integrated with Sage 100, you can access the Employee Tax Info window from Sage HRMS, and you can modify the information to determine how the employee’s payroll taxes are calculated. The changes are saved in the employee’s Sage 100 Employee Maintenance record.
If you make a change on the Tax Rates tab in Company Tax Group Setup when Payroll history exists for the affected period, a warning message asks if you want to continue. If you proceed with the change, a record is added to the Activity Log.