Select a version number to see a list of enhancements for that version. If you recently upgraded from Sage 100 2017 or earlier and want to learn about the extensive changes made in the Payroll 2.17 release, see the Sage 100 Payroll Installation and Upgrade Guide.
The following changes were made in version 2.18.5.
A Sort Checks By field has been added to the Payroll Check Printing window. A Sort Stubs By field has been added to the Direct Deposit Stub Printing window. The sort options for both checks and direct deposit stubs are:
Salary Equalization utility has been added to the Time Track menu.
When running the utility, a listing is generated. When you close the listing window, you’re asked whether to apply the adjustments.
When you’re running the Payroll Conversion Wizard to convert Payroll data from Sage 100 2017 or earlier, you have an option for mapping local tax codes.
The Other Local Tax Group column is included in the grid where you map tax codes to tax groups if the following conditions are met in the company you’re migrating from:
If a local tax rate is entered for a tax code, you must select a corresponding tax group in this new column. This may be the same tax group selected in the Tax Group column, or it may be a different one, depending on the tax group location.
Certified Payroll Reporting, located on the Reports menu, uses data from the Payroll and Job Cost modules to generate reports that meet requirements of federal and state government agencies. The reports include a daily breakdown of hours, pay, and deductions for jobs.
Certified Payroll Reporting relies on changes made in the Job Cost module for the Sage 100 2018.5 release; therefore, you must install that update to use this task.
For information on the related changes made in the Job Cost module, see the chapter on version 2018.5 in the What’s New guide for Sage 100 2018, available here:
In addition to accessing the task on the Report menu, you will be asked if you want to run the task after updating the Payroll Check Register if the following security event is enabled for your role: Allow Certified Payroll Reporting from Check Register/Update
When you run Certified Payroll Reporting for the first time, you may see a message stating that you need to update your Federal and State Tax Reporting forms. If you click Yes to proceed, the Federal and State Tax Reporting window will open. Select any form in the Form Name field and click Proceed. Then follow the prompts to update your forms.
Certified Payroll Reporting is available only if the Payroll module is integrated with Job Cost and if Federal and State Tax Reporting is installed.
The following changes were made in version 2.18.4.
A Round Withholding Tax Amount check box has been added to the Main tab in Company Tax Group Setup. Select this check box to round the withholding tax amount to the nearest dollar for the selected tax group.
Ensure that the tax jurisdiction allows rounding before selecting this check box. The withholding amount will be rounded, even if rounding is not allowed by the tax jurisdiction. However, if the tax jurisdiction requires rounding, the withholding amount will be rounded even if this check box is cleared.
The following changes were made in version 2.18.3.
The following changes were made in Workers' Compensation Maintenance
When your Workers’ Compensation rate or amount changes, you can now enter it in advance along with an effective date. When you process payroll, the check date is used to determine which rate or amount to use. The amounts and rates, along with the effective date, are now entered in a grid to make it easy to maintain multiple values with different dates.
The effective date prints on the Workers Compensation Report when the Print Report Summary check box is cleared.
If you select a state in which there is an option to have employees pay part of their Workers’ Compensation insurance tax, an Employee Amount or Employee Rate field (depending on the calculation method) is available. The existing Rate and Amount fields have been renamed Employer Rate and Employer Amount.
The employee-paid Workers’ Compensation tax prints separately on the Workers’ Compensation Report, and it is included in the Workers’ Compensation total on the Deposit Liability page within the Employer Expense Report. In other locations, the employee-paid Workers’ Compensation tax is added in with the "other" taxes.
The following changes were made in version 2.18.2.
On the Pay History tab in Employee Maintenance and Employee Inquiry, you can select a check and click the Check Details button to open the Employee Check Details window.
In this window, you can view a breakdown of the following information for the check:
The year-to-date amounts are also shown, and the hours are shown for each earnings code.
A Selection Criteria field has been added to the Workers’ Compensation Report task window. The field contains two options:
A new module option, Allow Out Of Quarter Check Date, has been added to Role Maintenance.
If the check box for this option is selected, applicable users can enter a check date in the Pay Cycle window that falls outside of the current quarter defined in Payroll Options. The check box is selected by default.
The following changes have been made to the Time Track Report task window:
Note: If you're upgrading from version 2.18.1, you may not get Employee Number + Earnings Code as the default sort option. As a workaround, you can select the option, create a new report setting, and then set it as the default report setting. To learn more, see Create a Report setting in the help.
Any payroll tax updates available when work on this version of Payroll was completed have been incorporated into the module. These updates may include new or updated tax types, tax rates, unemployment limits, and other settings that affect payroll tax calculations.
Important: Even after you’ve installed the latest version of the Payroll module, there may be payroll tax updates available. You can check to see if updates are available by running the Payroll Tax Update utility available on the Payroll Utilities menu.
The following changes were made in version 2.18.1.
Time Track is the new time entry feature available when you purchase the TimeCard module. Most of the TimeCard features have been kept and redesigned for better usability. The TimeCard module no longer appears on the module list.
If you are using Sage 100 2018.2 or later , you can update time entries with associated job numbers to the Job Cost module. For more information on using Time Track with the Job Cost module, see the What’s New in Sage 100 2018 guide, available at:
For information on setting up Time Track, see Set Up Time Track for Payroll in the Sage 100 help.
To enable Time Track features for Payroll, select the Enable Time Track for TimeCard check box in Payroll Options.
Time Track Options has been added to the Payroll Setup menu. This task replaces the TimeCard & Time Clock Options task that was available on the TimeCard Setup menu.
The Enable Time Track for TimeCard check box must be selected in either Payroll Options or Job Cost Options to access Time Track Options.
Previously, in TimeCard & Time Clock Options, you could select Social Security Number in the Default Punch In Method field. Social Security Number is no longer an option for punching in and out.
Instead, you can now select either Employee No. or Badge No. in the Punch In Method field in Time Track Options. If you select Badge No. you can enter employees’ badge number in the Employee Time Track Settings window accessed through Employee Maintenance.
Note: The badge number field accepts alphanumeric characters and dashes only.
If you were Social Security numbers in your prior version of Sage 100, Employee No. will be selected by default when your company data is converted.
The other two punch-in options that were previously available, Employee No. with Dep and Employee No. without Dep, have been combined into the Employee No. option. All employees must enter their full employee number, including the department number, to punch in or out, unless you select the Badge No. option.
For ease of entry, employees can omit any leading zeros. For example:
Shift Maintenance has been added to the Payroll Time Track menu and replaces the Time Clock Shift Maintenance task. Use this task to set up weekly work schedules and their related settings.
A shift code is required to use the Punch In/Out task. You can assign a shift to an employee in the Employee Time Track Settings window accessed through Employee Maintenance. Also, you can select a default shift in Shift Maintenance, which will be used for any employee who doesn’t have an assigned shift.
The Employee Time Track Settings window replaces the TimeCard Employee Maintenance task. Use this window to enter a badge number and password for use when punching in and out. You can also enter a default shift code and default earnings codes to use for time entries.
To access this window, in Employee Maintenance, click the arrow button in the top-right corner of the window, and then select Time Track.
Punch In/Out is located on the Payroll Time Track menu. Punching in and out creates time entries that can be edited in Time Track Entry and imported into Payroll Data Entry and/or Job Cost. Depending on your system setup, you can associate the following with each time entry: department number, earnings code, job number, and cost code.
A shift code is required to use the Punch In/Out task. You can assign a shift to an employee in the Employee Time Track Settings window accessed through Employee Maintenance. Also, you can select a default shift in Shift Maintenance, which will be used for any employee who doesn’t have an assigned shift.
Time Track Entry is located on the Payroll Time Track menu. Use this task to enter and edit time entries for employees and to edit entries that employees create using Punch In/Out. The entries can then be selected for use in Payroll Data Entry or the Job Cost module.
A Time Track button has been added to the Pay Cycle window. Click this button to open the Payroll Time Track Selection window and select time entries for import into Payroll Data Entry.
If Time Track is enabled in both the Payroll and Job Cost modules, the Job Number and Cost Code fields in Payroll Data Entry are view only. The job number and cost code must be entered in Time Track Entry.
SAP Crystal Reports is now used for all reports. The report task windows have been redesigned and now feature the standard options used in other modules, including:
The following reports are located on the Payroll Time Track menu:
The Job Daily Production Report is now on the Job Cost Time Track menu.
The Certified Payroll Worksheet is located on the Payroll Main menu. Use this worksheet to complete the certified payroll form for your jurisdiction.
The worksheet includes a daily breakdown of hours worked, pay, and deductions for a job. Employee pay is included if the associated earnings code has either Regular or Overtime selected as the earning type in Earnings Code Maintenance.
You can exclude job and labor codes from the worksheet by selecting the Exclude from Certified Payroll Report check box in Job Maintenance and Labor Code Maintenance.
In Deduction Code Maintenance, in the new Certified Payroll Benefit Type field, you can select No to exclude the deduction from the worksheet or select a category for the deduction.
If you’re converting data from a previous version of TimeCard, please note:
For example, if a deduction was assigned to both the Health and Wellness and Vacation categories in your prior version, it will now be assigned to the Medical category.
Time Track history is purged along with other payroll history data during period-end processing based on the date in the Years to Retain Payroll History field in Payroll Options.
The following security events were added for Time Track:
The following features were added in Employee Maintenance and Employee Inquiry.
A Print Check History Report button has been added to the Pay History tab. Click the button to open the Check History Report task window. The following default values are set automatically:
Payroll Tax Update Report Purge has been added to the Payroll Utilities menu. Use this task to purge records from the Payroll Tax Update Report file. You can purge records dated on or before the date entered in the utility.
The Payroll Status Check utility has been added to the Payroll Utilities menu. This utility checks your records to find issues that will cause unexpected results or errors when processing payroll. For more information, see Payroll Status Check in the help.
The following enhancements and significant program fixes were made in Sage 100 Payroll version 2.18. For a complete list of program fixes, see the Release Notes.
A new payroll tax update process has replaced tax table updates (TTUs). Payroll tax updates may include new or updated tax types, tax rates, unemployment limits, and other settings that affect payroll tax calculations.
If you have the appropriate security setup, you can download and install payroll tax updates by either responding to message prompts or by running Payroll Tax Update, which is located on the new Payroll Utilities menu.
If you have the appropriate security setup, the message asks if you want to download the update.
If you click Yes, after the download is complete, a second message asks if you want to install the update. If you do not want to install the update right away, you can install it later using the Payroll Tax Update utility described below.
Note: Users in all companies must exit all Payroll tasks before an update can be installed. The only exception is the Payroll Tax Update utility.
Successful updates and unsuccessful attempts are recorded in the Activity Log available on the Library Master Reports menu.
After downloading an update, you can view the changes before installing it in the Payroll Tax Update Report, which is located on the Payroll Utilities menu. You can also use this report to view details from prior updates.
On the Taxes tab in Employee Maintenance, changes have been made to the Tax Calculation Override options.
In the Apply Tax Profile Information window accessed from Tax Profile Maintenance, changes have been made to the Application Method options. The following options are now available:
In Payroll Data Entry, “Blocked” appears in the Print Check field if one or more lines resulted in a negative amount of wages subject to withholding. The Blocked status is set when running Payroll Tax Calculation, and you must correct the lines and then recalculate taxes before you can print the check. A blocked status may occur if you have earnings and deduction lines with different tax profile codes.