Select a version below to view a list of enhancements. Some features described here may not be available in your Sage 100 system.
The following enhancements were added in Product Update 5 for Sage 100 2016.
The following changes were made to the Process Employee Pre-Note and Direct Deposit Transactions window:
Product Update 4 contains program fixes for Sage 100 and Sage 100c. For more information, please see the release notes.
Product Update 3 contains program fixes for Sage 100 and Sage 100c. For more information, please see the release notes.
The following enhancements were added in Product Update 2 for Sage 100 2016.
An Update button has been added to the Registration tab in System Configuration. If you've made changes to your license or subscription agreement, you can click this button to download your new product key. You can still manually enter your product key, and the system automatically checks for updates every 28 days when someone logs into Sage 100.
The following enhancements were added in Product Update 1 for Sage 100 2016.
A Sizing field has been added to the Panel Header Definition window. The field is available when working with a user-defined panel and gives you the option to make the window resizable.
Two new fields, Resize and Anchored, have been added for several object types. You can use the Resize field to specify whether an object's position changes based on window resizing or if it remains fixed relative to the anchor point selected in the Anchored field.
The fields have been added to the Options tab in the following windows:
If you use Sage Payment Solutions for credit card processing, you can now use Sage Payment Center for greater visibility into your payment transactions. Use Sage Payment Center to:
For more information, go to the Information Center page and click the Sage Payment Solutions link.
After you've set up the Payment Center, it can be accessed from the following locations:
You can now access all of the tasks needed to set up credit card processing from one screen—the new Credit Card Setup visual process flow. Select the Visual Process Flows > Credit Card Processing > Credit Card Setup when you're ready to get started. Note that you must have access to the new process flow in Role Maintenance.
The following security events have been added to Role Maintenance under Library Master:
When turning on credit card processing in Company Maintenance, if you have credit card data stored in a Vault-only (nonprocessing) account, you are no longer required to immediately enter the virtual terminal ID and merchant key for your processing account. Instead you will have the option to enter the information later in Payment Type Maintenance.
The Fixed Assets module, which links Sage 100 and Sage Fixed Assets, has been modernized to improve performance and provide a better user experience. Also, the module is now available for Sage 100 Premium in addition to Sage 100 Standard and Advanced.
The Fixed Assets Options task has been moved to the Fixed Assets Main menu. Also the task has been reorganized and simplified.
The following features have been added to the Asset Depreciation Report task window.
The fields on the Asset Account Maintenance window have been replaced with a data entry grid.
The Fixed Assets security settings in Role Maintenance have been updated.
The following enhancements were added in Sage 100 2016.
If you use the Payroll module, you must enter your new product key when installing Sage 100 2016. If you enter a product key obtained when purchasing a previous version of the program, you will not be able to open any Payroll tasks.
The user interface has been updated with new features and a more modern appearance. The following is a list of highlights.
For more details, refer to the Sage 100 Getting Started Guide, which you can access form the Resources page: On the Sage 100 Desktop, click Web Content, and then click Resources.
A ribbon has replaced the Desktop toolbar. You still have access to the same features, but the new interface makes them easier to find.
You can now increase the size of text that appears in the Desktop and task windows. The task windows will be automatically resized to accommodate the text size. Use the Application Scaling menu on the View tab to adjust the text size.
You can now select from one of several themes for the Desktop. Use the View tab to select a theme.
Different themes are also available for task windows. You can select a preconfigured theme or create your own. For more information, see Theme Tab in Company Maintenance.
Individuals can select their own themes on the new User Settings window if they have the appropriate security setup.
You can now enter an extended item description for all items, with the exception of Comment-type items. The following changes have been made as part of this enhancement:
The new User Settings window allows users to set certain preferences, such as the default zoom level for previewing reports and whether a decimal point is automatically inserted when entering quantities.
Users can also use this window to select whether they want to use the standard or classic Desktop and, if they have the appropriate security setup, a theme for task windows. A new security event, Allow to Modify Theme in User Settings, has been added to Role Maintenance. For more information on selecting a Desktop or theme, see New User Interface.
The User Settings window is accessed by clicking the Settings button on the User Logon window after entering a valid user logon ID and password, or by selecting Change User Settings from the Sage 100 File menu.
The customer purchase order number field has been expanded to 30 characters. The field held a maximum of 15 characters in prior versions.
For internal control purposes, the following fields have been added to various tables:
The fields were added to the following tables:
The data in these fields can be viewed using a Visual Integrator export or a custom report. In history inquiry tasks, you can right-click the task window and then click System Info to view the Created By and Date Created information.
An Include Electronic Payment Vendors field has been added to the Accounts Payable Aged Invoice Report window. You can use this field to specify whether vendors with the Electronic Payment check box selected in Vendor Maintenance are included on the report. The available options in the field are No, Only, and Yes.
A Print Condensed check box has been added to the Accounts Payable Aged Invoice Report window. When the check box is cleared, the report will be printed in landscape view with an 8 point font size. When this check box is selected, the report will be printed in portrait view with a 6 point font size as it was previously.
Two check boxes used for 1099 reporting have been added to the Additional tab in Vendor Maintenance:
A Memo button has been added next to the Reference field in Repetitive Invoice Entry. When using the Copy From button to copy information to a new repetitive invoice, you will have the option to copy any existing memos.
A Print Condensed check box has been added to the Accounts Receivable Aged Invoice Report window. When the check box is cleared, the report will be printed in landscape view with an 8 point font size. When this check box is selected, the report will be printed in portrait view with a 6 point font size as it was previously.
Sage 100 is now integrated with Sage Payroll Services (formerly known as PayChoice). You can upload general ledger account numbers and bank codes to Sage Payroll Services and download payroll transactions into Transaction Journal Entry.
After setting up an account with Sage Payroll Services, use the tasks on the General Ledger Payroll Services menu to set up the integration. For detailed steps, see Integrate an Online Payroll Service with General Ledger in the help system. To learn more, visit
This feature will not affect anyone using the previously existing online payroll service, BenefitMall. A Payroll Service field has been added to Sage Payroll Services Options, which allows you to select the online payroll service you are using. However, the correct option will be automatically selected when you upgrade from a system that was integrated with BenefitMall.
The SMTP (email) server Password field in Company Maintenance has been expanded to 128 characters. The field held a maximum of 14 characters in prior versions.
Due to the space limitations, the data entry field displays 59 characters. As you type a password that exceeds 59 characters, you’ll automatically scroll through the field as needed.
A Theme tab has been added to Company Maintenance. Use this tab to choose a theme for the selected company. If you select the Classic theme, you can specify a company-specific background color for the window background, frame, or both.
The Enable Company Specific Background Color field and Select Color button have been relocated from the Preferences tab to this tab. The Select Color button is now identified by an image of a color palette instead of a textual label.
The new theme options are part of the updated user interface, which is available as a benefit of Sage 100 modernization subscription business case bundles.
For more information on user interface-related changes in version 2016, see New User Interface.
Sage 100 Direct Deposit, a new product offered through Sage Payroll Services, is now available as part of the Payroll module. This new service uses the same tasks as the existing direct deposit feature, but the process has been simplified.
To get started with the new service, complete the application form. A link to the form has been added to the Direct Deposit tab in Payroll Options.
For setup instructions, see Setting Up Sage 100 Direct Deposit Service in the help or refer to the Sage 100 Direct Deposit User Guide available here:
As part of this change, the Direct Deposit Interface options available in Payroll Options have changed.
Several new fields were added to the ACA Employer Maintenance window.
A Default Days Until Quote Expires field has been added to the Entry tab in Sales Order Options. The value entered in this field will be added to the Sales Order accounting date to calculate the expiration date for quotes in Sales Order Entry.
In addition to promoting quotes to standard orders in Sales Order Entry, you can now promote them to back orders, master orders, and repeating orders.
The following check box has been added to the Entry tab in Sales Order Options: Use Default Order Date When Promoting to Order
If you select this check box, the original quote date is replaced with the order date from the Default Values for Sales Order Entry window when you promote a quote to an order. If the check box is cleared, the original quote date is used for the order date, as it was in past versions.