Select an option below to view a list of enhancements.
The following enhancements were added in Product Update 5 for Sage 100 ERP 2015.
Update License and Subscription Information
An Update button has been added to the Registration tab in System Configuration. If you've made changes to your license or subscription agreement, you can click this button to download your new product key. You can still manually enter your product key, and the system automatically checks for updates every 28 days when someone logs into Sage 100.
Sage Payment Center
If you use Sage Payment Solutions for credit card processing, you can now use Sage Payment Center for greater visibility into your payment transactions. Use Sage Payment Center to:
For more information, go to the Information Center page and click the Sage Payment Solutions link.
After you've set up the Payment Center, it can be accessed from the following locations:
New Visual Process Flow
You can now access all of the tasks needed to set up credit card processing from one screen—the new Credit Card Setup visual process flow. Select the Visual Process Flows > Credit Card Processing > Credit Card Setup when you're ready to get started. Note that you must have access to the new process flow in Role Maintenance.
Security Settings
The following security events have been added to Role Maintenance under Library Master:
The following enhancements were added in Product Update 4 for Sage 100 ERP 2015.
Updates for Form 1099-INT
On the 1099 Payment History window, the box numbers have been updated to correspond with Form 1099-INT for calendar year 2015.
Sage 100 Direct Deposit Service
Sage 100 Direct Deposit, a product offered through Sage Payroll Services, is now available as part of the Payroll module. This service uses the same tasks as the existing direct deposit feature, but the process has been simplified.
To get started with the new service, complete the application form. A link to the form has been added to the Direct Deposit tab in Payroll Options.
For setup instructions, see Setting Up Sage 100 Direct Deposit Service in the help or refer to the Sage 100 Direct Deposit Getting Started Guide available here:
Plan Start Month Field for Form 1095-C
A Plan Start Month field has been added in in ACA Employee Maintenance. The two-digit field is used for Part II of Form 1095-C.
The following enhancements were added in Product Update 3 for Sage 100 ERP 2015.
Updates for ACA Employer Maintenance
Several new fields were added to the ACA Employer Maintenance window.
The following enhancements were added in Product Update 2 for Sage 100 ERP 2015.
Sage Payroll Services Integration
Sage 100 ERP is now integrated with Sage Payroll Services (formerly known as PayChoice). You can upload general ledger account numbers and bank codes to Sage Payroll Services and download payroll transactions into Transaction Journal Entry.
After setting up an account with Sage Payroll Services, use the tasks on the General Ledger Payroll Services menu to set up the integration. For detailed steps, see Integrate an Online Payroll Service with General Ledger in the help system. To learn more, visit Sage Payroll Services.
This feature will not affect anyone using the previously existing online payroll service, BenefitMall. A Payroll Service field has been added to Sage Payroll Services Options, which allows you to select the online payroll service you are using. However, the correct option will be automatically selected when you upgrade from a system that was integrated with BenefitMall.
The following enhancements were added in Product Update 1 for Sage 100 ERP 2015.
Click a module name to see the related enhancements added in Sage 100 ERP 2015.
Improved Message for Check Printing
When you attempt to print checks using a bank code that is currently being used by someone else, the message that appears will now let you know which type of check printing is in progress and which bank code is being used.
Check Total on Invoice Payment Selection Listing
The following information now appears at the end of the Invoice Payment Selection Listing:
Purge Commission by Pay Date
A Pay Date field has been added to the select grid in the Salesperson Commission Purge window. The field is available only if the Commissions Paid on Paid Invoices Only check box in Accounts Receivable Options is selected.
Automatically Apply Changes to Repetitive Invoices
You can now specify whether changes to a customer’s default shipping code, salesperson, tax schedule, or terms code made in Customer Maintenance are automatically applied to the customer's existing repetitive invoices. To enable this feature, select Yes or Prompt from the new Apply Changes to Repetitive Invoices field on the Additional tab in Accounts Receivable Options.
Workstation Setup Not Required to Manage Relationships
If you are using Sage 100 Advanced or Premium ERP, you no longer need to run Workstation Setup to access Maintain Relationships within Sage CRM. To enable this feature, go to the ERP Preferences tab in Sage CRM, and select Web Forms Embedded in Sage CRM in the Access Sage 100 ERP Tasks Using field. As part of this enhancement, that field name was changed from Default Form for Quotes/Orders.
Note that you will not have access to the Sage 100 ERP Inquiry tasks if you use the embedded web forms to access Sage 100 ERP tasks.
Promote Quote to Order from Sage CRM Quote Summary Screen
A Promote to Order button has been added to the Quote Summary Page in Sage CRM. When you click this button, the quote is promoted to an order in Sage CRM and Sage 100 ERP. Please note that the page will not automatically refresh after you promote a quote.
Quick Order Entry Print Options
When printing an order or quote from the Quick Order Entry screen in Sage CRM, you can now print to any printer on your network. The Email and PDF options are also still available.
Out-of-Balance Message on General Ledger Detail by Source Report
If an out-of-balance source journal is included in the General Ledger Detail by Source Report, a not-in-balance message prints next to the journal number and near the report totals.
ACA Menu
An ACA menu with three new tasks related to the Affordable Care Act has been added to the Payroll module.
Use the ACA Applicable Large Employer Report to generate a count of your full time and full time equivalent (FTE) employees.
The totals can then be updated to the ACA Employer file, and they will appear in the ALE Member Information - Monthly window accessed from ACA Employer Maintenance.
For more information, refer to the help for these tasks.
Seasonal Employee Check Box
A Seasonal Employee check box has been added to the Wages tab in Employee Maintenance. When printing the ACA Applicable Large Employer Report, you have the option to include seasonal employees.
1095-C Electronic Consent Signed Check Box
A 1095-C Electronic Consent Signed check box has been added to the Tax Status window accessed through Employee Maintenance. If this check box is selected, 1095-C forms processed through Federal eFiling and Reporting will be sent as an electronic copy.
Copy from History When Creating Return
A Copy From button has been added to the Return of Goods window. You can now enter a new return number and then click Copy From to copy information from one of the following:
Print Picking Sheet for Order when Customer Is on Credit Hold
A check box has been added to the following windows that allows you to select whether to print picking sheets for orders when the customer is on credit hold.
New Way to Access Alternate Item Selection Window
An Alternate button has been added to the message that appears when you enter a discontinued item number in Sales Order Entry and S/O Invoice Data Entry. The button appears if the discontinued item has alternate items set up in Item Maintenance. You can click the Alternate button to open the Alternate Item Selection window.
Quote Promotion Date Added to Task Windows
A Promoted to Order On field has been added to the Header tab in the following tasks:
If an order was promoted from a quote, this field displays the date on which it was promoted.
New Visual Process Flows
The following visual process flows (VPFs) have been added. You must enable access to the new VPFs in Role Maintenance.
Click a module name to see the related enhancements added in Sage 100 ERP 2015.
Option to Install Canadian Postal Codes
When installing Sage 100 ERP, you now have the option to install Canadian postal codes. On the Module Selection page of the installation wizard, select Canadian Postal Codes to install the codes. They can then be maintained in ZIP Code Maintenance.
Module Options for Printing and Exporting
The module options for Library Master now include two options related to securing the data that appears in lookup windows and grids.
The vendor name field has been expanded to 50 characters. The field held a maximum of 30 characters in prior versions.
For all standard forms and reports, the vendor name field in the work table has been expanded to hold 50 characters. You can use SAP Crystal Reports to modify these forms to display the full name if needed.
The vendor name field for mailing labels that print in three columns remains truncated. Also, labels that include only the vendor name, such as inventory labels, were not updated.
Company-Specific Color for Window Frame Only
The Enable Company Specific Color check box on the Preferences tab in Company Maintenance has been replaced with a drop-down list. When enabling the feature, you can now specify whether the company-specific color will be used for the window background, for the frame around the window, or for both.
Lookup Wizard Button Added to Lookup Windows
A Lookup Wizard button has been added to all lookup windows. Click the button to start the User Lookup Wizard.
Clicking the Lookup Wizard button instead of the Custom button allows you to specify which companies and users will have access to the customized lookup view.
You must have the appropriate security setup to access the Lookup Wizard button.
Stay in Current Module When Changing Company
You can now remain in the current module when switching to a different company. To enable this feature, select the Retain Module on Company Change check box on the Preferences tab in User Maintenance.
New Fields on User Logon Screen
The following fields have been added to the User Logon screen.
The fields appear if the Participate in Program check box is selected in the Sage Product Enhancement Program window. The information will be used to help Sage to learn more about who uses the software and to send occasional product-related e-mails that provide information on product features and helpful tips.
Detailed Activity Log Entries for Changes to Module Setup Options
When changes are made in module setup tasks, such as Accounts Receivable Options, a more detailed description appears in the Activity Detail window accessed from the Activity Log.
A new activity type, Setup Options Activity, has been created to group these events. This allows you to easily view them when sorting by the Type column in the Activity Log and to search for them using the Activity Log Search button.
Ability to Reprint Quick Print Checks
In Manual Check and Payment Entry, you can now reprint checks that have been quick printed. To reprint a quick print check, enter the check number and click the Reprint Check button. The checks can be printed as long as they remain in the data entry file.
Sort Report By Field for Vendor Audit Report
A Sort Report By field has been added to the Vendor Audit Report. You can now sort the report by either the vendor number or the user logon.
Ability to Sort By Multiple Columns
A Sort Columns button has been added to the windows listed below. Click the button to select one or more columns and specify whether to sort each one in ascending or descending order.
Purchase Vendor Transfer Invoice Selection
The Select button in the Purchase Vendor Transfer window is now available for all vendors so that you can select multiple invoices. Previously the button was available only if the vendor selected in the Purchase Vendor Transfer window was the same vendor selected in Invoice Data Entry or Manual Check and Payment Entry.
Print Full Comments Selection Retained When Printing Journals and Registers
When printing the journals and registers listed below, your choice of selecting or clearing the Print Full Comments check box will be retained. The same choice will be made automatically the next time you print the journal or register.
UDF Data Sources Added for Manual Check Printing
The following UDF (user-defined field) data sources have been added to AP_CheckStubWrk for manual check printing:
A Cash Receipt List button has been added to two windows.
Sage Data Cloud Invoice Printing Option
A Use Sage Data Cloud for Invoice Printing check box has been added in Customer Maintenance. When this check box is selected, the Print Invoice check box will be cleared by default in A/R Invoice Data Entry and S/O Invoice Data Entry so that the customer’s invoices are not printed as part of the typical invoice printing process.
This option is designed for use if you are e-mailing invoices to your customers using Sage Billing and Payment. For more information on Sage Billing and Payment or other solutions that leverage the power of the Sage Data Cloud, visit
Sort Report By Field for Customer Audit Report
A Sort Report By field has been added to the Customer Audit Report. You can now sort the report by either the customer number or the user logon.
Ability to Sort By Multiple Columns
A Sort Columns button has been added to the Select Cash Receipts Invoices window that is accessed through Cash Receipts Entry. Click the button to select one or more columns and specify whether to sort each one in ascending or descending order.
Calculator Button Added to Finance Charge Applied Field
A calculator button has been added to the Finance Charge Applied field in the Finance Charge Entry window.
Ability to Filter Salesperson Commission Report by Pay Date
A Pay Date field has been added to the Selections grid in the Salesperson Commission Report window. This field is available if the Commissions Paid on Paid Invoices Only check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.
Ship Via Field Added to Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance
A Ship Via field has been added to customer Ship-To Address Maintenance. The shipping code entered in this field will be the default shipping code for sales orders and one-step Sales Order invoices.
Print Full Comments Selection Retained When Printing Journals and Registers
When printing the journals and registers listed below, your choice of selecting or clearing the Print Full Comments check box will be retained. The same choice will be made automatically the next time you print the journal or register.
Option to Keep Window Open after Print or Preview
The following check boxes have been added to several task windows used for form printing:
If the check boxes are selected, the window will remain open after printing or previewing the form.
If the form is part of a printing sequence, a Print Add’l Documents button will appear on the window. Click this button to continue with the print sequence when you have one or both check boxes selected.
For example, if you have the Keep Open After Print check box selected in Sales Order Printing, after you print sales orders, the Print Add’l Documents button will be enabled. You can then click the button to print picking sheets.
Sample Format in Positive Pay Export Wizard
A new sample format has been added to the Positive Pay Export Wizard.
Remit-To Vendor Name In Positive Pay Export File
If the Print Remit To Information check box in the Check Printing window is selected when printing checks, the vendor name entered in Remit To Address Maintenance is now used as the payee name in positive pay export files.
Ability to Sort By Multiple Columns
A Sort Columns button has been added to the windows listed below. Click the button to select one or more columns and specify whether to sort each one in ascending or descending order.
Print Full Comments Selection Retained When Printing Journals and Registers
When printing the journals and registers listed below, your choice of selecting or clearing the Print Full Comments check box will be retained. The same choice will be made automatically the next time you print the journal or register.
Improved Process for Correcting Rejected Import Records
A Fix Entry button has been added to the Rejected Import Maintenance window. You can select a transaction and click this button to open the record containing the error.
If the error exists in the line information, the Rejected Import Record - Line Edit window opens with the applicable record selected, allowing you to bypass the Rejected Import Record - Header Edit window.
Also, an Error Message field has been added to the window. The field displays the message associated with the import failure.
Option to Synchronize Bill and Item Description
A Sync Bill Description and Item Description field has been added to Bill of Materials Options. You can select Yes, No, or Prompt to determine whether changes to the bill description and item description fields are synchronized.
This feature applies only to items that do not have an extended item description. If the Require Bill Revisions check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options, only the current revision is synchronized.
Print Full Comments Selection Retained When Printing Journals and Registers
When printing the journals and registers listed below, your choice of selecting or clearing the Print Full Comments check box will be retained. The same choice will be made automatically the next time you print the journal or register.
Level 3 Credit Card Processing
You can now submit level 3 credit card transactions for payments entered in Sales Order Entry and S/O Invoice Data Entry. (Deposit transactions are not subject to level 3 processing because line item information is required, and there is no way to associate specific lines with a deposit.) The following related changes have been made.
An ISO Country Code field has been added to the Country Code Maintenance window. This code will be included with the ship-to address information when processing level 3 credit card transactions.
An Include Level 3 Data check box has been added to the Payment Type Maintenance window.
The following fields have been added to the secondary grid in Sales Order Entry and S/O Invoice Data Entry.
A Level 3 button has been added to the Credit Card tab in Sales Order Entry and S/O Invoice Data Entry. You can click the button to enter additional information for level 3 transactions. An empty text string or a zero value (depending on the field type) will automatically be transmitted for level 3 transactions if you do not enter a value for these fields.
The new fields on the Lines tab and the Level 3 button are available only if the following conditions are met:
Certain default values must be set to ensure that the fields added to the Lines tab are available without first entering information on the Credit Card tab. For more details and the steps required to prepare for level 3 processing, see “Setup Customer Credit Cards for Level 3 Processing” in the help system.
Customer Purchase Order Number
When you process level 3 credit card payments, customers' purchase order numbers will now be transmitted as part of the transactions.
The purchase order number will share the same field as the sales order or invoice number, and they will be separated by a dash. The purchase order number will have "PO" appended to the end. "SO" will be added to sales order numbers, and "IN" will be added to invoice numbers.
For example: 1234567PO - 7654321IN
This information may print on customers' credit card statements; it may be truncated, depending on the statement design.
User-Defined Scripts for Windows and Tabs
You can now create user-defined scripts for windows and tabs in Business Framework modules. A script can be added to any panel that is available through Customizer Selection. A User-Defined Scripts button has been added to the Customizer Selection window, and it will appear when a panel is selected.
Also, a field with a drop-down list has been added next to the Compile button in the User-Defined Script Maintenance window. Use this field to specify what type of scripts you want to compile.
Out-Of-Balance Message on Detail Report
If the General Ledger Detail Report is out of balance, "The Detail Report is not in balance" now prints next to the report totals.
Sort Report By Field for Account Audit Report
A Sort Report By field has been added to the Account Audit Report. You can now sort the report by either the account number or the user logon.
A Journal Reversal button has been added to the Transactions tab in Account Maintenance and to the Journal Drill Down window. Click this button to perform one-click journal reversals. The reversing entry is created, and a journal comment is added noting the reversal. You can then review the entry in General Journal Entry before updating it.
A security event, Allow Journal Reversal, has been added in Role Maintenance to enable the button.
Print Full Comments Selection Retained When Printing Journals and Registers
When printing the journals and registers listed below, your choice of selecting or clearing the Print Full Comments check box will be retained. The same choice will be made automatically the next time you print the journal or register.
Module Options for Transaction Types
In Transaction Entry, the options available in the Transaction Type field are now based on the user’s security setup.
The following module options have been added to Role Maintenance:
For existing roles, the new module options are automatically selected so that the transaction types are allowed by default.
If you create a role for which none of the transaction types are allowed, users assigned to that role will not be able to access Transaction Entry.
Copy From Button in Product Line Maintenance
A Copy From button has been added to Product Line Maintenance. After entering a new product line, you can now click Copy From to copy information from an existing product line to the new one. The new Copy From window has a Copy Accounts check box that allows you to specify whether to copy the general ledger account information.
When using the Copy From button in Item Maintenance, you can now specify whether to include the vendor and alias item records of the item you are copying from.
The vendor and alias item information is copied by default, but you can exclude it by clearing the following check boxes that have been added to the Copy From window:
The check boxes have also been added to the Item Maintenance On-The-Fly window.
Source Journal Zoom Button in Item Maintenance
A Source Journal Zoom button has been added to the Transactions tab in Item Maintenance. You can click the button to view detailed journal information about the selected transaction. The journal information is available only for transactions entered after you have upgraded from your previous version of Sage 100 ERP.
Also, a Source Journal column has been added to the transactions grid to display the source journal number.
Sort Report By Field for Item Audit Report
A Sort Report By field has been added to the Item Audit Report. You can now sort the report by either the item code or the user logon.
Access Bill of Materials Maintenance from Item Maintenance
You can now go directly from Item Maintenance to Bill of Materials Maintenance by clicking the More drop-down button in the top-right corner of the window and then clicking BOM Maintenance.
The BOM Maintenance option is available only if the currently selected item exists as a bill in the Bill of Materials module.
Security Options for Item Vendor Maintenance
Security options for Item Vendor Maintenance have been added to Role Maintenance; therefore, you can now maintain different levels of security for this task and Item Maintenance.
Last Physical Count Date Added to Item Maintenance
You can now view the date of the last physical count for an item in Item Maintenance and Item Inquiry. The Last Physical Count Date field displays the date that the Physical Count Variance Register was last updated. The field is view-only and has been added to the following locations:
Preexisting Codes in Country Code Maintenance
Country Code Maintenance is now pre-populated with country codes. The codes are the ones used in Sage CRM, as well as additional codes defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
An Alternate Country Code field has been added to the Country Code Maintenance window. This field, along with the others will be pre-populated with values.
As a result of this enhancement, the CRM Country Cross Reference Maintenance task is no longer necessary and has been retired. The alternate country code in Country Code Maintenance will be referenced by the Sage CRM integration when data is exchanged.
A State Code Required check box has been added to Country Code Maintenance. If this check box is selected for a country, the State field in ZIP Code Maintenance will be a required entry when adding a postal code for the country.
Access Report Viewer Directly from Report Task Windows
You can now access the Report Viewer directly from report task windows. To access the viewer, click the drop-down button in the top-right corner of the window, and then click Report Viewer.
When the Report Viewer opens, the current company, module, and report will be automatically entered in the applicable fields, and the existing PDFs will appear in the list box.
The Report Viewer option is available only if the specific report is set up in Report Maintenance, and you must have the appropriate security set up to access it.
The PDF printer driver used to create Paperless Office documents has been updated.
Paperless Office Feature Added to Reports and Registers
The following reports and registers can now be printed using Paperless Office.
New Fields Added to Tax Status Window
Three new fields have been added to the Tax Status window accessed from Employee Maintenance.
Perpetual Payroll History Retained by Default
When a new company is created, the Retain Perpetual Payroll History check box in Payroll Options is now selected by default.
Copy Purchase Order Information
A Copy From button has been added to the Purchase Order Entry window. After entering a new purchase order number, you can now copy information from one of the following:
The following fields have been added to the History tab in Purchase Order Options and to the Purchase Order Setup Wizard.
Select the Retain Purchase Order History check box to retain history. When the check box is selected, you can select Yes, No, or Prompt to define how deleted orders and lines are handled.
If the purchase order data entry files contain records and the purchase order history files are empty when you select the Retain Purchase Order History check box, a message appears asking if you want to create history records. Click Yes to create records for any standard orders, drop-ship orders, and material requisitions that exist in the purchase order data entry files.
If you are upgrading from a prior version of Sage 100 ERP, before converting data you will see a window with the same fields that were added to Purchase Order Options. You can enable the history feature and choose whether to create history at that time.
If you do not choose to create history records when you first select the Retain Purchase Order History check box, you can do so later using the Create Purchase Order History utility. This new utility has been added to the Purchase Order Utilities menu.
A new task, Purchase Order History Inquiry, has been added to the Purchase Order Inquiries menu. The task is available only if the Retain Purchase Order History check box is selected in Purchase Order Options.
The Purchase Order History Report has been added to the Purchase Order Reports menu. The report is available only if the Retain Purchase Order History check box is selected in Purchase Order Options.
When generating the report, you can select which purchase order types to print and choose from multiple sort options. The report can be further filtered using the selections grid.
A new task, Cancel and Reason Code Maintenance, has been added to the Purchase Order Setup menu. The task is available only if Prompt is selected in the Retain Deleted Orders or Retain Deleted Lines for Orders field in Purchase Order Options.
Use this task to create reason codes for tracking why purchase orders and purchase orders lines are deleted. The codes can be flagged as inactive so that they will not show up in lookup results.
Codes can also be created on they fly when deleting a purchase order or line.
Several views related to purchase order history have been added to Business Insights Reporter, and one related view has been added to Business Insights Explorer.
Sort Option for Auto-Generated Purchase Orders
A Sort Purchase Order Lines By field has been added to the Generate tab in Purchase Order Options. Use this field to determine how purchase order lines are sorted -- either by item code or by sales order line number -- on the Auto-Generate from Sales Orders Listing and in Purchase Order Entry.
Use Data Entry Email Address for Paperless Office Delivery
A Use E-mail Address in Data Entry check box has been added to the Email tab in the Paperless Office Delivery Options window accessed from Vendor Maintenance. The check box is available when you select either P/O Order or P/O Return in the Document field and the E-mail check box on the Main tab.
Select this check box to email purchase orders and return orders to the vendor email address entered in Purchase Order Entry and Return Order Entry.
Option to Keep Window Open after Print or Preview
The following check boxes have been added to several task windows used for form printing:
If the check boxes are selected, the window will remain open after printing or previewing the form.
If the form is part of a printing sequence, a Print Add’l Documents button will appear on the window. Click this button to continue with the print sequence when you have one or both check boxes selected.
For example, if you have the Keep Open After Print check box selected in Sales Order Printing, after you print sales orders, the Print Add’l Documents button will be enabled. You can then click the button to print picking sheets.
The check boxes were added to the following windows:
A Vendor Memo button has been added next to the Vendor button in the tasks listed below. From any tab, you can click the button to view, create, or update memos for the currently selected vendor.
The following fields have been added to the grid on the Receipt history Inquiry Lines tab.
The fields listed below have been added to the Additional Fields window that appears when you select a line and click the Additional Information button.
Calculator Button for Landed Cost Amount Field
A Calculator button has been added to the Amount field in the Landed Cost Entry window accessed through Receipt of Goods Entry.
Document and Batch Number Added to Purchase Order Entry Message
The message that appears in Purchase Order Entry when you select an order that is referenced in a receipt, return, or material requisition transaction will now include the number of the referencing transaction. If you have batch processing enabled for data entry tasks, the batch number is also included.
Fields Added to Ship-To Address Maintenance
A warehouse field has been added in Ship-To Address Maintenance:
The warehouse code entered in this field will be used in the data entry tasks listed below if you select a record and enter a ship-to address.
Print Full Comments Selection Retained When Printing Journals and Registers
When printing the journals and registers listed below, your choice of selecting or clearing the Print Full Comments check box will be retained. The same choice will be made automatically the next time you print the journal or register.
Redisplay Source Document After Quick Printing
On the Printing tab in Purchase Order Options, you can now select whether to redisplay the source document after quick printing in Purchase Order Entry and Return of Goods Entry.
Calculator Button Added to Purchase Order Entry Fields
A calculator button has been added to the Unit Cost and Extension fields in Purchase Order Entry.
Calculator Button Added to Multiple Fields
A calculator button has been added to the Unit Price and Restocking Charge fields in RMA Entry and RMA Receipts Entry.
Access RMA Entry from Sage CRM
You can now access RMA Entry from within Sage CRM. An RMA Entry button has been added to the following locations:
Updated Version of Sage Intelligence Reporting
An updated version of Sage Intelligence Reporting provides the following benefits:
For details on these enhancements, see the What’s New document in the Sage Intelligence Reporting online help.
Security Option for Report Viewer
You can now manage access to the Report Viewer through Role Maintenance. On the Tasks tab, a Report Viewer check box has been added under Sage Intelligence Reporting > Reports/Forms.
Ability to Reauthorize Credit Card Transactions
The Fix button is now available on the Credit Card tab in Sales Order Entry and Invoice Data Entry if there is an expired credit card authorization for the selected order or invoice. You can click this button to reauthorize the credit card transaction.
The Fix button is available if the Allow to Override Credit Card Authorization security event is selected for your role in Role Maintenance.
For more information on using this feature, see Reauthorize a Credit Card Transaction in the help system.
A customer Memo button has been added next to the Customer button in Sales Order Entry and Invoice Data Entry. From any tab, you can click the new Memo button to view, create, or update memos for the currently selected customer.
Batch Number Added to Sales Order Entry Message
If you have batch processing enabled for Invoice Data Entry, the messages that appear in Sales Order Entry when you select an order that is being invoiced or shipped will now include the batch number.
Ability to Omit Orders On Hold When Printing
A Print Orders On Hold check box has been added to the Sales Order Printing window. The check box is selected by default, but you can clear it to omit orders on hold when printing. A Print Order On Hold check box has also been added to the quick print window.
Calendar Button Added to PO Req Date Field
A calendar button has been added to the PO Req Date field in Sales Order Entry.
Calculator Button Added to Tax Amount Field
A calculator button has been added to the Tax Amount field in the Tax Detail window accessed through Sales Order Entry and Invoice Data Entry.
Message Appears if Quantity Packed Does Not Match Quantity Shipped
A message now appears in Shipping Data Entry and Item Package Maintenance if the quantity packed does not match the quantity shipped for one or more items.
Changes to Additional Fields Information
The following changes have been made for the information that is displayed in the Additional Fields window accessed from Sales Order and Quote History Inquiry:
Option to Keep Window Open after Print or Preview
The following check boxes have been added to several task windows used for form printing:
If the check boxes are selected, the window will remain open after printing or previewing the form.
If the form is part of a printing sequence, a Print Add’l Documents button will appear on the window. Click this button to continue with the print sequence when you have one or both check boxes selected.
For example, if you have the Keep Open After Print check box selected in Sales Order Printing, after you print sales orders, the Print Add’l Documents button will be enabled. You can then click the button to print picking sheets.
The check boxes were added to the following windows: