Global Enhancements
Use New Features in SAP Crystal Reports
SAP Crystal Reports 2011 is now included with Sage 100 ERP. Enhancements in version 2011 include a .NET runtime engine component, the ability to export directly to an Excel .xlsx file, Adobe Flash integration, built-in bar code support, and enhanced SAP Crystal Reports Designer features. 
Choose Latest Update and Release with Sage Advisor Update
You can now keep your Sage products up to date with the latest releases and updates. Sage Advisor Update reviews the Sage products you have installed on your server and lists the online updates available for download.
Sage Advisor Update is automatically installed and can be launched from your Program Files > Sage folder, and from the icon located in the system tray. For more information, see the Sage 100 ERP Installation and System Administrators Guide. 
Install Sage 100 ERP with Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI)
Sage 100 ERP is now installed using Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI). MSI will provide a single installation per version on your system; multiple instances cannot be installed.
Expand Accounts Payable Invoice Numbers
The invoice number field is now expanded to 20 characters, from 10 characters in previous releases.
Reports and listings now display the full invoice number while retaining the portrait orientation. Journals, register, updates, inquiries, lookups, explorer views, and data entry programs will also display the full invoice number.
The 20-character invoice number can be viewed in the Job Cost and General Ledger comments on reports.
The full invoice number will be printed on the check stubs.

Set Up ALE Lookups to Display Inactive Customers and Vendors
You can now select to display or hide inactive customers and vendors in some ALE lookups. These options can be selected in Company Maintenance.
Install 64-bit ODBC Driver for use with the 64-bit Version of Microsoft Office
A 64-bit ODBC driver is now available for Sage 100 Standard and Advanced ERP 2013. This driver allows external third-party 64-bit applications, such as the 64-bit version of Microsoft Excel, to access Sage 100 ERP data. The installation program for the driver can be run from the Sage 100 ERP — Applications installation program.
Enter Feedback for the Help System
A feedback form has been added to all Help System topics. You can now indicate whether a topic is helpful and provide anonymous feedback that will be used to improve product documentation. 
Accounts Payable Enhancements
View Cleared Checks in Vendor Maintenance
Two new fields have been added in Vendor Maintenance that will allow you to view check status information on checks that have cleared the bank in Bank Reconciliation. The ability to view the cleared checks in Vendor Maintenance can be enabled on the Main tab in Accounts Payable Options if the Accounts Payable module is integrated with Bank Reconciliation. Viewing cleared checks in Vendor Maintenance applies only to checks processed in version 2013 or higher.
You can now post ACH electronic payments in detail to the Bank Reconciliation module. This feature is enabled in Accounts Payable Options if Accounts Payable is integrated with Bank Reconciliation.

Set Up Vendors as Inactive
In Vendor Maintenance, the Temporary check box has been replaced with a Vendor Status drop-down list that contains Active, Inactive, and Temporary statuses. The Inactive option allows you to prevent users from selecting inactive vendors in the following tasks:
AP from AR Clearing Entry
Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance
A/P Invoice Data Entry
Manual Check and Payment Entry
A/P Repetitive Invoice Entry
Salesperson Maintenance
Item Maintenance
Job Masterfile Maintenance (for cost codes only)
Job Posting Entry (for direct costs only)
Purchase Order Entry
Receipt of Goods Entry
Receipt of Invoice Entry
Return of Goods Entry
RMA Entry
RMA Receipts Entry
Sales Order Entry
S/O Invoice Data Entry
Work Order Transaction Entry (for outside processing charges only)
A new field, Inactive Reason, has been added to the Additional tab in Vendor Maintenance. Use this field to add a reason code for an inactive vendor.
A new Inactive Status Exception List window allows you to view and print a list of reasons why the vendor status cannot be changed to Inactive. You can also drill down to the source document, if applicable. This window appears after clicking Details if a message dialog box warns you that the vendor status cannot be changed.
A change to a vendor’s status will appear on the Vendor Audit Report if All or Changes is selected in the Vendor Changes to Track field on the History tab in Accounts Payable Options.
- A security event has been added to allow the selection of inactive vendors in Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance and to allow the selection of inactive vendors’ invoices in Invoice Payment Selection.
You can now select to include or exclude inactive vendors from Vendor Listing, Vendor Listing with Balances, and Vendor Mailing Labels.
A new column, Status, has been added to some ALE vendor lookups. This field allows you to group and filter inactive, temporary, and active vendors.
A new task, Inactive Reason Code Maintenance, has been added to the Setup menu. This task allows you to create reason codes for inactive vendors. A pre-defined reason code, OUTOB (Out of Business), has been added and cannot be deleted.
These reason codes are shared with the Accounts Receivable module for use with inactive customer records. The Inactive Reason Code Maintenance task is also available on the Accounts Receivable Setup menu and the Common Information Main menu.
A new utility, Remove Inactive Vendors, has been added to the Utilities menu. This utility allows you to delete inactive vendors.

Accounts Receivable Enhancements
Process Credit Cards with Sage Exchange
You can now integrate with Sage Exchange to:
Secure your customers’ credit card numbers in a Sage Exchange Vault account, which is a PCI-compliant location for storing sensitive credit card and banking information.
Process credit card transactions without storing the credit card numbers in the software. Only the last four digits of the credit card number are stored in Sage 100 ERP.
Process credit card transactions in the following tasks:
Cash Receipts Entry
Invoice Data Entry
In Repetitive Invoice Entry, store credit card transactions for processing at a later time when the invoice is processed:
- Swipe credit cards for payment acceptance.
- Process credit cards in a batch.
View credit card payment information in the Payment Information window for a selected invoice.
In Customer Maintenance, a Card ID field has been added to the Additional tab for entering a unique card ID number to identify credit card records. You can now add a credit card on the fly by typing a new card ID number in this field to launch Customer Credit Card Maintenance.
Printed invoices now reflect credit card payments.
A security event has been added to allow users to override the credit card information for Accounts Receivable and Sales Order credit memos.
A module option has been added that allows users to add new credit card numbers and edit the expiration date for existing credit card numbers on file.

Set Up Customers as Inactive
In Customer Maintenance, the Temporary check box has been replaced with a Customer Status drop-down list that contains Active, Inactive, and Temporary statuses. The Inactive option allows you to prevent users from selecting inactive customers in the following tasks:
AP from AR Clearing Entry
Cash Receipts Entry
Finance Charge Entry
A/R Invoice Data Entry
Repetitive Invoice Entry
User ID Maintenance
Job Billing Data Entry
Job Estimate Maintenance
Job Masterfile Maintenance (for open jobs only)
Material Requirements Planning
Maintain Projected Demands
RMA Entry
RMA Receipts Entry
S/O Invoice Data Entry
Sales Order Entry
A new field, Inactive Reason, has been added to the Additional tab in Customer Maintenance that allows you to add a reason code for the inactive customer.
A new Inactive Status Exception List window allows you to view and print a list of reasons why the customer status cannot be changed to Inactive. You can also drill down to the source document, if applicable. This window appears after clicking Details if a message dialog box warns you that the customer status cannot be changed.
A change to a customer’s status will appear on the Customer Audit Report if All or Changes is selected in the Customer Changes to Track field on the History tab in Accounts Receivable Options.
- A security event as been added to allow the entry of an inactive customer when adding a line in Cash Receipts Entry.
- You can now select to include or exclude inactive customers from Statement Printing, Customer Listing, Customer Listing with Balances, and Customer Mailing Labels.
A new column, Status, has been added to some ALE customer lookups. This field allows you to group and filter inactive, temporary, and active customers.
A new task, Inactive Reason Code Maintenance, has been added to the Setup menu. This task allows you to create reason codes for inactive customers. Additionally, an OUTOB (Out of Business) pre-defined reason code has been added and cannot be deleted. These reason codes are shared with the Accounts Payable module for use with inactive vendor records. The Inactive Reason Code Maintenance task is also available on the Accounts Payable Setup menu and the Common Information Main menu.
A new utility, Remove Inactive Customers, has been added to the Utilities menu. This utility allows you to delete inactive customers.

Bank Reconciliation Enhancements
View Cleared Checks by Date
A new field, Cleared Date, has been added to all data entry tasks in this module. You can enter a date when the check has cleared the bank if the date is different than the module default date. The cleared date can be viewed in registers and reports when reconciling the bank statement. The field is available for inclusion in Auto Check Reconciliation check settings.
View ACH Electronic Payments in Data Entry Tasks
ACH electronic payments can now be listed in Reconcile Bank and Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry based on the selection made in Accounts Payable Options. If the option is selected, ACH payments will be listed on the Checks tab. If the option is cleared, one posting will be listed on the Dep/Adjust tab.
Common Information Enhancements
Create Inactive Reason Codes for Customers and Vendors
A new task, Inactive Reason Code Maintenance, has been added to the Main menu. This task allows you to create reason codes for inactive customers and vendors. Additionally, an OUTOB (Out of Business) pre-defined reason code has been added and cannot be deleted.
Credit Card Processing Enhancements
Process Credit Cards with Sage Exchange
Credit Card Processing is now offered exclusively through Sage Exchange, a PCI-compliant payment processing application service offered by Sage Payment Solutions. All credit card information is now securely stored in the Sage Exchange Vault instead of within Sage 100 ERP.
For information on Accounts Receivable changes related to this enhancement, see Credit Card Processing in the Accounts Receivable section. For information on Sales Order changes, see Credit Card Processing in the Sales Order section. 
Customer Relationship Management Enhancements
Install Module Automatically
The Customer Relationship Management module is now automatically installed with Library Master and no longer has to be activated. Previously, you were required to install the module separately and activate it in Company Maintenance.
Launch Sage 100 ERP Task from Sage CRM Without Using Sage 100 ERP License
Launching a Sage 100 ERP task from Sage CRM no longer uses a Sage 100 ERP license. 
Integrate Multiple Sage 100 ERP Companies with Sage CRM
You can now integrate multiple Sage 100 ERP companies with one instance of Sage CRM, or you can continue using multiple instances of Sage CRM. If you were previously using multiple instances of Sage CRM for integration with multiple Sage 100 ERP companies, see the Installing Sage CRM chapter in the Sage 100 ERP
Installation and System Administrator’s Guide.
The following changes have been made as part of this enhancement.
The CRM Options task as been replaced with two new tasks on the Customer Relationship Management Main menu: CRM Server Options and CRM Company Options.
Use CRM Server Options to define settings for each instance of Sage CRM.
Use CRM Company Options to define company-specific settings for each company linked to Sage CRM.
A Sage 100 ERP Company Code field has been added to various Customer Relationship Management windows. In windows without the company code field, selections will affect the current company only.
When running the Purge CRM Order/Quote Tracking utility, you can now purge CRM order and quote information for one or multiple Sage 100 ERP companies. When Purging the CRM Activity Log, you can purge data for one or multiple Sage 100 ERP companies and one or multiple Sage CRM instance IDs.
CRM Activity Log data can now be sorted and filtered by the Sage 100 ERP company code and Sage CRM instance ID.

Use Quick Order Entry in Sage CRM
In Sage 100 Advanced and Premium ERP, you can now install and use Quick Order Entry to enter and edit sales orders and quotes in Sage CRM. This task has the essential fields and functionality available in Sales Order Entry. Some fields and functionality have been omitted to streamline the data entry process.
Orders and quotes can be printed to PDF and sent as e-mail attachments from Quick Order Entry. The location for storing the PDF files and the URL for viewing them are entered in the Reports Folder and Reports Portal fields in CRM Company Options.
You can elect to use either Quick Order Entry or the standard Sales Order Entry window by selecting an option in the Default Form for Quotes/Orders field on the ERP Preferences tab in Sage CRM. You must have the appropriate security set up in Sage 100 ERP to access the new window.
For information on installing Quick Order Entry, see the Installing Sage CRM chapter in the Sage 100 ERP
Installation and System Administrator’s Guide.
Inventory Management Enhancements
View Quantity Detail Information
In Item Maintenance, a Quantities grid has been added to the Main tab. The grid allows you to view the quantity detail information for the selected item and all warehouses. You can click the Quantity Recap button to view a recap for all warehouses or the selected warehouse. Additionally, some fields have been moved to the Additional tab to accommodate the Quantities grid.
Paperless Office Enhancements
Use Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Authentication
You can now use Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) authentication to send e-mail messages. This includes Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) mail services to encrypt the communication between the client and server and protect sensitive company information. This option can be enabled in Company Maintenance.
Sales Order Enhancements
Process Credit Cards with Sage Exchange
You can now integrate with Sage Exchange to:
Secure your customers’ credit card numbers in a Sage Exchange Vault account, which is a PCI-compliant location for storing sensitive credit card and banking information.
Process credit card transactions without storing the credit card numbers in the software. Only the last four digits of the credit card number are stored in Sage 100 ERP.
Process credit card transactions in the following tasks:
Sales Order Entry
Invoice Data Entry
Swipe credit cards for payment acceptance.
Process credit cards in a batch by credit card transaction.
Printed sales orders and invoices now reflect credit card payments.
In Sales Order Entry, you can now obtain a pre-authorization for an amount that is greater or less than the order amount.
A security event has been added to allow users to override the credit card information for Accounts Receivable and Sales Order credit memos.

Visual Process Flows
Use and Design Interactive Workflow Diagrams for Completing Tasks
Visual process flows are interactive workflow diagrams that show the steps to complete a task or process. Elements on the process flows are linked to Sage 100 ERP tasks; clicking an element starts the linked task. Other actions, such as showing or hiding objects on the process flow, can also be assigned to elements.
Seven predefined process flows are available on the Visual Process Flows submenus. You can use these predefined process flows as templates to create your own customized process flows, which appear on the Custom Process Flows menu in the applicable modules.
The Visual Process Flows Manager task, located on the Visual Process Flows Setup menu, allows you to create, copy, and delete custom process flows, modify their settings, and open them in the Visual Process Flow Designer.
Internet Explorer version 8 or higher and Adobe Flash Player are required to use the process flows.